Why Join Sustainable Castor Association

Benefits of Sustainable Castor Association Membership



Membership demonstrates the 1st step of commitment towards sustainable approach by adopting social, economic and environmental objectives of supporting various initiatives including social welfare, improvement of livelihood of workers and farmers.

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Sustainable Growth

The SuCCESS code is a well-recognized certification standard and in accordance with globally accepted principles, you will demonstrate to your customers and partners that you support the production of sustainable castor.

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Market Access

The Sustainable Castor Association will provide its members a supply chain platform to produce and claim sustainable castor oil and derivatives.

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Use of Trademark

Use of trademark logo & claims (on & off product) with prior approval of the Sustainable Castor Association.

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3rd Party Validation

An independent authorized certification body reviews the system of producing castor seeds, processing and transfer of claims of castor products & derivatives throughout the supply chain and independently determines the compliance with SuCCESS code.



We Congratulate  Hengshui Jinghua Chemical Co., Ltd. on Receiving the  SuCCESS Supply Chain Certificate for Their Processing Unit in China.























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