
Code Structure & Certification

SuCCESS Code is structured with eleven principles, which encompass the vision for sustainable production of castor. Principle 1 ensures that management system and governance in the business entity are in place and Principles 2 to 11 cover the core aspects of sustainable production covering the issues like good agricultural practices, soil and water management, workers right and protection, environmental management etc. The code is designed towards a progressive achievement of complete compliance with a step by step journey.



This level covers minimum non-negotiable control points, which should be adhered to by verified entities and, in principle, these verified entities shall meet 100% mandatory control points in every year.



This level builds on the Mandatory requirement level, its progressive achievement with complete adherence to the code in year 3.

Audit Procedure

The code is designed towards a progressive achievement of complete compliance by the year 3. The “Mandatory” (highlighted in red) and “Other Criteria” are covered in 11 chapters. Overall the verified unit will need to meet 100% of Mandatory control points and 50% other Criteria in year 1, 65% in year 2, 80% in year 3. If a control point is not applicable, it will have to be adjusted accordingly for percentage of control points required for verification. But a not applicable control point will not get an additional percentage point. In the first year, the entity going for verification needs to undertake external verification audits by auditors approved by the code secretariat as per the verification protocol and then such audits will be conducted every alternate year. In the years, when there are no external audits, the verified unit must conduct internal audits and supply the audit report to the castor code secretariat.



We Congratulate  Hengshui Jinghua Chemical Co., Ltd. on Receiving the  SuCCESS Supply Chain Certificate for Their Processing Unit in China.























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