About Organisation

About Organisation

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We are a ‘not-for-profit’ private company that unites stakeholders from the various sectors of the castor industry: castor farmers, castor oil mills & refineries, derivative processors, any persons including individuals, firms or company, corporations, society or environmental and social non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that have direct or indirect involvement in the castor oil supply chain, to develop and implement standards for sustainable castor.


In our journey towards creating a sustainable castor farming standard, the founding members Arkema, BASF, Jayant Agro and Solidaridad developed the SuCCESS (Sustainable Castor Caring for Environmental & Social Standards) code, a set of environmental and social criteria which farmers must comply with in order to produce certified sustainable castor. When they are properly applied, these criteria can help to optimize the impact of castor cultivation on the environment and communities in castor oil-producing regions. With a goal of improving the livelihoods of poorer workers and farmers, the Sustainable Castor Association has developed and launched a supply chain certification standard called SuCCESS Supply Chain Standard to certify sustainable castor oil and derivatives



We Congratulate  Hengshui Jinghua Chemical Co., Ltd. on Receiving the  SuCCESS Supply Chain Certificate for Their Processing Unit in China.























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